About Me

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I am 32 years, I work full time and go to school in the evening. In my spare time(lol) I like to make crafts, decorate and cook. I am married to a great guy and we have a wonderful little wee one, he was born June 20th :)
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Monday, August 22, 2011


Here are the pillows I've been working on!

All I did was cut out the fabric into two same size pieces and place one on top of the other with the pattern on the inside. Then I measured and drew guidelines for sewing.

Now start sewing on the dotted line!

Leave a gap on one side so you can reverse the fabric and put in the stuffing.

Once I stuffed it to my liking I hand sewed the gap and voila!!
These pillows were too easy :P

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I'm not able to start on the DIY rug until I can get some sheets to start out with. Until then I will sew some pillows, which I have already started :) I will post pictures as soon as I finish them, there will be about 4.

Well, off I go to a birthday party for Sydney who is the big 2!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wreath out of Book Paper

My Version

The wreath is finally finished!! It has taken forever especially since I went on hiatus during school. But now it's done and hung!

I started with some old books and used three pages for each rosette.

I used a hot glue gun to glue them onto a foamed wreath I found at Jo-Ann's.


I am very happy with the way this has turned out. Here is my inspiation from Under the Table Dreaming.....

Monday, August 15, 2011


I'll probably finish my long time project, the flower wreath, today. Finally! and before school starts!
My next craft project will be a crochet rug made out of old sheets and fabiric. I'm excited about this because it's been awhile since I have crocheted anything.

Here is a picture of Matt and I at the Braves game this past weekend :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Healthy Menu of Food

Here is a list of foods a personal trainer friend made up for me, I need to start eating healthier and it will help to loose weight too.
Breakfast foods or snack foods
Oatmeal Plan or mix with fresh fruit and nuts
Cereal no sugar type
Fresh fruit
Fat free yogurt
Berries of any kind blue,straw,black
Milk 2% or skim

Green beans (real Good)
Black beans
Pinto beans

Main course items dinner/ lunch
Skinless chicken (white)
Fish (any kind as much as possible)
Lean red meat (beef or pork)
Fullers in meals
Brown rice
Low fat cottage cheese
Low fat cheeses
Peanut butter
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, sunflower)
Bread whole grains only any kind
Protein bars low sugar as snack
Protein shakes low fat and low carbs type
Coffee 2 cups a day
½ gallon water per 100lbs weight mix all day not all at once.
Note: load most of your carbs in the am before noon.  Try to stay with fillers, veggies, main meal, and snack foods after noon mix water and coffee all day and if you need a snack mid day or mid afternoon use protein bars or shake. Eat small meals all day at least 6 per day if possible don’t try to catch up in one meal if you miss a meal.  If you can try to us some kind of exercise three times per week 20 minutes.

Basebeall Cupcakes!!

These are my version
I made these for Matt after his last baseball game as a surprise :)
We are also going to a Braves game in Atlanta on Saturday and I though posting this would be appropriate, they are playing the Cubs. Go Braves!!
I got the idea fron Pinterest Baseball Cupcakes, the original is done with M&M's, very fabulous!!!

Fabric Wall Art

I wanted something crafty and affordable to add to my bedroom wall. I used cordinating fabric that I stapled  to canvases of different sizes with a staple gun. I might need to change a couple of the colors but I added the stencil to make it look less plain, it seems to work. Now all I need is some new bedding to match!! Look out Pottery Barn here I come :)